Confidence Coaching for High Potential Women

Say Yes to Confidence - Take the 7-Day Challenge!

Are you waiting for the right time to go for it?

Hug yourself for each statement that feels true for you:

 You’re a self-dubbed overachiever and/or perfectionist

 You’re more afraid of success than failure

 You play small, hesitating to get out of your comfort zone unless there’s a

high probability of success

 You envy others who went for it (“I had that idea…”, “I was perfect for that


 You secretly long to be recognized for your value, ideas, and hard work

 You feel like you don’t quite fit in

 You sense everyone but you is in on some secret, and somehow you didn’t

hit the right LIKE & SUBSCRIBE buttons

 You suffer with the dissonance of knowing your worth, but not living your


 You’re tired of feeling stuck

What if instead?…

You wake up from a restful night, excited about the presentation you’ll deliver today, instead of that old feeling dread in the pit of your stomach. You sing in the shower, without thinking twice about hitting the wrong notes.

You practically skip into your office with a cheerful smile, and your genuine curiosity about others attracts good people to you. When it’s time to deliver, you walk with purpose to the front of the room…and nail the presentation.

Later when it’s time for the big meeting, which includes senior leaders, you claim your seat at the table without a second thought as to whether you belong there. You’re entrusted to take on an important project, and when you need to make the right decision and take prompt action, you notice that analysis paralysis no longer holds you back. You trust your team, who are very loyal to you, to give their best, and they really do - because you inspire them to be their best.

After work, you head for your workout (thanks to your recent promotion, you can afford a personal trainer now!).

When you get home, you share empowering stories of the day’s successes with your partner. You also discuss the challenges you face, though instead of wallowing, you know how to approach them.

You fall right to sleep at night, deeply satisfied with the Life you create for yourself.

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The gap may seem too wide. It’s actually infinitely small.

The classic approach to building Confidence starts with the intention to bridge the gap between how you now feel (insecure) and how you want to feel (empowered). That gap is filled with anxiety. You’ll be directed to focus outward on overcoming obstacles and gaining achievements and validation from others that you’re perfect. In this model, you keep striving and striving…but the gap is never closed enough for you to feel completely Confident.

Here’s the truth: when you focus on the gap, you’ll never feel like you’re “enough.”

We take a different approach, one that focuses instead on gently peeling away all of the unhelpful stuff that’s blocking your access to Confidence.

Successful high potential women have a few things in common.

  • They have a Growth Mindset. They believe in their potential and they’re willing to get uncomfortable in service of their dreams.

  • They commit to fulfilling their potential.

  • They build a support network that includes family, friends, mentors…and a Coach (preferably, me!).

I may be biased, but…Coaching really is the best way to support your growth and development. This is especially true when it comes to accessing your Confidence, which is a journey of transformation. Transformation is deeply personal work. As your Coach, I’ll guide you through this life-changing process.

If you believe you’re worth investing in, and if you’ve decided that you are done with feeling inadequate, limited, and alone, then Coaching is for you.

Successful people make this shift, and learn the right things to say Yes to. As a result, they live a Thriving Life.

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Real Results

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

“I appreciate how well Jay was able to interpret what I shared, and how she helped me to think differently, too. She was able to bring something out in me that I could not do myself. Since coaching with Jay, I have:

- Built an excellent working relationship with a new manager

- Received the highest performance rating an associate can achieve on my year-end appraisal

- Learned how to be more mindful of my time and achieved a significantly-improved work/life balance

- I approach challenges differently and am very mindful to explore deeper rather than allowing initial reactions to dictate my next steps

I am looking forward to future coaching sessions and the benefits that I expect to recognize from them.”

-M.A., Manager

Everything you want is on the other side of Fear.

I’ve helped hundreds of unique high potentials grow their Confidence. These women:

  • Don’t hesitate to ask for what they want

  • Step into their power instead of second-guessing themselves

  • Know in their bones that, even if they don’t know the answer, they’re still awesome

  • Celebrate the successes of their day, instead of dwelling on worries and doubts

  • Know exactly how to get back on track when they have a momentary lapse in Confidence (it does happen, so this is extremely important!)

  • Recharge every day so their bucket is always full

  • Feel Clear, Energized, and at Peace!

Is it your turn?

Click above to explore your options! Or, join my e-mail list below!

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