Coach Jay | Recovered Imposter

Life used to be so hard.

I grew up painfully anxious and uneasy. I always had an inner sense of my strengths and talents, and I was clear from a young age on my very strong desire to use them. So it was interesting that I developed a habit of shrinking, hiding, saying “yes” to every possible distraction and “no” to every possible opportunity. I was very afraid to put myself out there, lest I fail…or worse yet, lest I succeed! What if I couldn’t sustain it?

Fear guided many of my decisions. And so, I struggled. A lot.

I’d get so frustrated with myself, not to mention with the ever-growing tension between my head and my heart. No matter my list of accomplishments, I just never felt like I was good enough to go for what I wanted. If I did take the risk - and FAILED, I just knew I couldn’t tolerate the shame. Or so I told myself.

It was only once I shifted my mindset (kickstarted by my coach) that my Confidence began to emerge. And I do mean “emerge” - it came from within me and through repeated experience of persisting through discomfort (not from the degrees, certifications, titles and accolades). I tuned in, unlocked and unlearned unhelpful behavior patterns, and cultivated Mindfulness and Heartfulness. I developed a fierce loyalty to my whole being, Nowadays, instead of being led by anxiety, I confidently lead myself.

I know the way. I go the way. I can show you the way.

So you, too can lead with Confidence.

Greatest Joys

  • Living a happy, healthy, thriving life of laughter and adventure with my devoted hubby - the best life partner ever!

  • Raising happy, healthy, responsible, empathetic, confident children

  • Witnessing courageous high potential women transform their lives

  • Being with nature: hiking, camping, boogie boarding

  • Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Spontaneous frolics in the sprinklers

  • Flowers and butterflies!


  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

  • The Leadership Challenge Certified Facilitator

  • HeartMath Building Personal Resilience Certified Mentor

  • Laughter Yoga Certified Facilitator

  • 125 hours of Mindfulness Training

  • Master of Arts in Psychology

  • Experience coaching leaders from Accenture, Affirm, AT&T, BlackRock, bp, Capital One, Cisco Systems, Credit Karma, Dell Technologies, Facebook, Federal Aviation Administration, Gilead Sciences, Goodwin Procter, Google, Hilton, HP, John Muir Health, Rutgers University, Salesforce, U.S. Air Force, Warner Bros., WM, and oodles more!

  • Testimonials from happy, healthy, successful, confident leaders

The One That Started It All

We’ll work well together if

  • You see yourself not as a victim, but as fully responsible for your life

  • You’re willing to let go and be open minded and open hearted

  • You prefer phone calls to videoconferences

  • You appreciate the candid nature of the photos on this page

  • You laugh at cheesy puns

  • You care about being the difference in the world, and you trust that you can and will make a difference 

  • You’re Courageous and Committed to being your best

What confident women leaders

say about my coaching style…

“Jay is a wonderful coach that encourages, holds space for her client’s uniqueness and acknowledges and validates their strengths. She has great energy and insight. I felt seen and valued through her coaching, while being strengthened and fortified in the process. Jay brings great energy and enthusiasm to her coaching. She's an encourager and wonderful at pointing out the wins, as well as holding space for deeper work. Her insights helped me see positive aspects of myself that I may have overlooked previously. She often repeated back what I said so I could actually take in my own insight and strengths, rather than passing over them. I found this very helpful.” 

-Kimber, Jewelry Designer

“I would describe Jay's style as positive and upbeat. I enjoyed the accountability and positivity that I received, and accomplished quite a few of my initial goals working with Jay.” 

-Monique, Business Owner